What is a Multicultural Marketing Strategy?

A multicultural marketing strategy is a marketing plan with actionable steps to reach a multicultural audience. This requires research on demographics, cultures, ethnicities, and languages of a market in order to develop bilingual messaging and creative assets. Once you have the insights combined with creative and ad copy, it’s time to execute based on each platform’s capabilities and privacy policies. For example, when we ran a bilingual hiring campaign on Facebook’s ads manager, we made sure we understood the demographics of our client’s geographic location. We then ran two separate campaigns (English and Spanish) targeting a 30-mile radius for both English and Spanish-speaking audiences. The results were two-fold and because of our multicultural hiring campaigns, we were able to effectively communicate our message and fill those positions in record time.

Market to a Diverse Group of Customers

A bilingual strategy is beneficial for small, medium, and large enterprises. It allows businesses to connect at a deeper cultural level, access a wide range of customers, improved customer satisfaction, and business growth. Companies stand to benefit from growth by fulfilling the needs of a diverse group of customers regardless of their language preferences. It’s important to note that traditional English ads that target a DMA (Designated Market Area) are no longer effective in a multicultural market. There are different cultures, languages, and preferences that need to be addressed with a multicultural strategy.

Who Benefits From Multicultural Marketing?

From a small bike shop to a large corporation, when implementing a sound multicultural marketing strategy, both customers and businesses will reap the rewards. Your business will gain access to a diverse pool of customers, positive social currency, and establish deep connections with the growing multicultural majority. According to a recent white paper published by https://hispanicmarketingcouncil.org/ by 2028, the 35 and under segment will be a multicultural majority and by 2033 everyone under the age of 50 will be a multicultural majority. From the consumers perspective the benefits offer a more inclusive experience that is personalized and aligns with their personal values and beliefs.

The Future of Marketing is Multicultural

The future consumers of America are very much a growing multicultural majority. Businesses that embrace these changes in demographics and behaviors will certainly gain a competitive advantage over businesses that choose to ignore them. Creating a multicultural marketing strategy for your business doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to start somewhere. Now is the  time to begin the transition phase and build an inclusive and multicultural literate team that can develop and execute a comprehensive multicultural strategy across all channels.

multicultural hands